Irish Mythology Presentation

Irish Mythology Presentation

Today in TY I got the chance to present my presentation on Irish Mythology, which I had mentioned earlier in my Performing Arts blog post.

We have been studying Irish Mythology in great detail in our Irish class, since we came back to school in early September. My group were focusing on the oldest of the four  cycles in Irish Mythology; the ‘Mythological Cycle’. This cycle is comprised of Spirits and Gods of Pre-Christian Ireland, and it centres on a tribal family called the ‘Tuatha Dé Danann’ who held position as the High Kings of Ireland for the majority of the duration of the cycle.

The whole project really interested me. It was something new that I had never came across before. It combined Irish History and the Irish Language in a unique mix, that I would not be able to experience, if I had not chose to do Transition Year.

Although I was still nervous when I was presenting my slides, I believe that it has helped me to be able to stand up and present a presentation.
